I Have 4 Gym Memberships

That isn’t a typo. That doesn’t mean I pay for four gym memberships, but I have access to four gyms. Why do I have four gym memberships? 

  1. Gym shot

    Gym shot (Photo credit: Tyson Cecka)

    The exercise room at my apartment complex. It has a couple of treadmills and a couple of ellipticals. Great for a quick late night cardio.

  2. Our lease came with a free membership to the community center with a full gym, pool, pool tables, various other perks. It’s half a block away.
  3. The Double Tree. This membership costs $600 a year and comes with a full gym, pool, hot tub, sauna, steam room, towel service, and the creepy 84 year old man who interrupts my workouts to tell me I need to grow my hair out long so it reaches my butt. Really, we pay for the steam room.
  4. My college gym. I can still go there whenever I feel like it. It’s kind of far though.
  5. [Bonus] Yoga studio. $70 a month.

The excessiveness of my gym memberships really dawned on me this month when I ran myself broke with rent, car repair, cell phone bill, yoga, and quarterly Double Tree renewal. It’s such an excess considering I don’t need to pay anything to get my weekly workouts in. Currently they consist of:


This is Slomo. We see him on our weekly beach run. He rollerblades in slow motion to music coming from somewhere on his person

Monday: 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes in the steam room.

Tuesday: Free lunchtime yoga at work

Wednesday: 5K at the beach with my friend Emily

Thursday: Yoga (Ashtanga Vinyasa). My work offers another free lunchtime class. I should take that.

Friday: Rest

Saturday: 30 minutes on the elliptical, 30 minutes in the steam room.

Sunday: Outdoor adventure (hiking, mountain biking)

So I guess if I take advantage of free lunchtime yoga on Thursday and break my addiction to the steam room, I could simplify my gym memberships and save $1440 a year. How about that?